Hello and welcome!

Hello and welcome to the blog for Bay City Ukers! We are a ukulele club who started meeting in February 2011, and now meet up about once a month at the Golf Club, off Nelson Road, Whitstable. The idea was to create a uke group for people living on the coastal strip of East Kent who found it hard to get to groups in the more central towns.

Playing ukulele has become an extremely popular pastime again over the last few years and uke groups are appearing everywhere. Each is different but ours focuses on simply having fun playing together and doesn't take itself seriously. Beginners are very welcome and we can choose some easy songs to play if you have only just started.

Gordon's email zygite@gmail.com if you have any further questions this blog doesn't answer. Hope to see you there! The wearing of tartan is neither necessary nor obligatory, and if you have a non-uking partner, feel free to bring them along to shake their maracas and sing along.

Next Session

BAY CITY UKERS NEXT MEETING IS.... From 7.30 pm on Thursday 12 March 2020, at the new improved Golf Club, Collingwood Road, Whitstable.

Bay City Ukers - Indubitably.

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Countdown to the Ukathon!

Dear Ukanauts, 
Cometh the hour, cometh the Ukathon, and indeed it cometh in less than two weeks! I, for one, am almost bursting with excitement, and I hope that you have bought your tickets and printed off your song sheets so that all you need to do on the 10 May is to put on your favourite hat, clean your favourite teeth and slip into your favourite tank-top before making your way to St Mary's Hall for what we hope will be a spiffing evening of hot cocoa and happy songs. 

Don't forget the next club night on 8th May when we will test drive the song book and see how she handles under steam so that it all goes smoothly on the Big Night!

See you there,


Friday, 4 April 2014

The Ukathon Songbook Has Arrived!!!

With just over one month to go before the Great Whitlit Ukathon, my technical assistant has produced the long awaited Ukathon Songbook (v1.1.1!). 

The contents have been rounded up and kidnapped from numerous other ukulele club sites, to whom we are most grateful.  

So without further ado, you can now print it off and scurry off to your bedroom, attic, conservatory or shed to practice for the Great Whitlit Ukathon! 
